We at predicat are helping clients to discover their future potential. We start by building a strong, mobilizing vision together with their employees, partners and customers, and deliver a predictive framework that makes their strategy a self-fulfilling prophecy. Constant feedback from their markets, projects and partner networks through our patented prediction network software makes sure not to miss or take the wrong step. Making allies from market participants through our open innovation framework provides unique insight on customers and light speed time-to-market.


Business Cases
Look here to see how Predicat can help your organisation ...

Business Application
Here are some success stories ...

Scientific Proof
We have scientific proof that Predicat is more reliable than traditional forecasting and risk management...


Business Solutions
We have solutions that hit your targets ...

Delivery Solutions
The value of the solution lies with your people ...

Platform Solution
The Predicat platform is based on structures, processes and technology combined into a powerful package ...


Friday, 08.02.2013

Every now and then there comes a new take on Prediction Markets. The Truth Market sets a...

Tuesday, 08.01.2013

Professor Werner Antweiler of the University of British Columbia presides over the newly...

Predicat GmbH | Steinsdorfstrasse 20 | 80538 München | Tel. +49 (89) 2555 730-0 | eMail: info@predicat.com

Platform and Community for Business Predictions