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Donald Thompson stellt sein neues Buch "Oracles' vor

USA, 22.05.2012

Donald Thompons, Ökonom und Marketing Professor an der Schulich School of Business der York University in Toronto hat heute sein Buch über Prognosemärkte mit dem Titel "Oracles: How prediction markets turn employees into visionaries" vorgestellt. Darin erzählt er, wie Prognosemärkte von Unternehmen als eine bessere Entscheidungshilfe genutzt werden und die Kultur von Organisationen nachhaltig verändern. 

“Oracles is a fantastic blend of the visionary and the practical. Don analyzes both the transformational potential of prediction markets and the organizational complexities that make realizing this potential a challenge. A comprehensive history for anyone considering using prediction markets to change their organization.” — Leslie Fine, Chief Scientist, Crowdcast 
“Thompson delivers a thorough but accessible survey of prediction markets, covering everything from their theoretical foundation to current best practices—a must-read.” — Jeff Severts, Chief Marketing and Services Officer, Best Buy Europe 
“Oracles provides a comprehensive look at prediction markets and explores the extraordinary results and challenges of the early adapters and their providers. If you are considering a prediction market for your company, you need to read this book.” — Linda Rebrovick, CEO, Consensus Point

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